Castle Cats Wiki
Copyright Notice: Much of the content below was captured or copied verbatim from Castle Cats and is therefore copyrighted by PocApp Studios AB.
Spoiler Warning: This page contains heavy spoilers for the Halloween 2017 event quest storyline of Castle Cats. Proceed at your own risk!

Quest 1: Vamp Kyle[]

Quest Start[]

Kyle Hah, so glad I got this costume and not Francis.
He wouldn't look as good in it.
I mean... I look great.
All the ladies want me. Hah.
Now what is this place? A castle in the middle of the woods?
Perfect for a vampire such as myself.

Quest End[]

Kyle What's this? The Evil Pugomancer arguing with a...
Is that supposed to be a vampire?
Evil Pugomancer Ooga booga! Bark, bark, bow wow!
I am the Evil Pugomancer! *growl*
Jörgen Zis is my castle, you stupid dog.
Begone before I bite you wiz my vampire fangs!
Evil Pugomancer *whimper*
Jörgen Muhahaha!

Quest 2: Defeated Pug[]

Quest Start[]

Kyle This is my chance to take down the Evil Pugomancer.
Stop right there!
Evil Pugomancer Aaaah!
Kyle Scared? You should be.
And now you will be defeated!

Quest End[]

Evil Pugomancer Aaaah!
Kyle Taste defeat!
Evil Pugomancer Ooga booga!
Kyle Smokescreen?
Where did you go? Coward!

Quest 3: Scared Vampire[]

Quest Start[]

Kyle Stupid pug got away...
Maybe I should take care of that vampire too.
I would really like that castle of his.
I mean, why shouldn't it be mine?
Finders keepers.

Quest End[]

Jörgen Ah, what a beauziful night~
Ze little kittens of Catania will not suspect a zing.
Kyle Boo!
Jörgen Aah, scary vampire!
Kyle That's right. Run, faker!
I am the only real vampire here!
Jörgen A true vampire?
Indeed, I can zell just by looking at you.
Kyle This castle is mine now, and you will NEVER come back!
Jörgen Yes, yes, please don't hurt me!
I will zake my leave...
Kyle Bleeeeh!

Quest 4: True Story[]

Quest Start[]

Kyle And that's pretty much what happened.
Catniss So you scared off the Evil Pugomancer AND a vampire on your own?
Francis Pff, I'll believe it when I see it.
Kyle You would have seen it if you were there.
It's all true.
Francis I find that really hard to believe.
Kyle You're just jealous because I got the costume and you didn't.
I won our magic rock-paper-scissors duel fair and square.
Conan Speaking of which, did you get any candy for the guild?
Francis Yeah, Kyle! You were supposed to go trick-or-treating.
Kyle Well, I tried to, but you know, all the girls started chasing me.
That's how I ended up in the forest.
Francis ...
You're such a-
Catniss Take us to the castle then, Kyle. We want to see it.
Francis Uhm... Sure.

Quest End[]

Francis Are we lost? It feels like we're lost.
Catniss I certainly have never been to this part of the forest.
Conan Me neither. I don't think Kyle knows where he's going.
Catniss Where is he anyway?
Kyle Boo!
Scared you, didn't I?
Catniss Not even close.
Conan Stop fooling around and find the castle!
Kyle All right, all right.
Geez, you're such a party pooper.
Conan I'm not!
(I just don't like your outfit... too bat-like...)

Quest 5: Mysterious Castle[]

Quest Start[]

Catniss So there is no mysterious castle in the forest and you were just showing off your costume?
Kyle No, there was a castle! And a vampire!
Francis And the Evil Pugomancer?
Kyle Yes!
Conan Bob and Kattja worked really hard on that costume, and you're just wasting it's [sic] potential to shower the guild in candy.
Kyle Why do you even care about candy?
Catniss It's not about the candy, it's about doing what you're supposed to.
Instead of making up excuses.
Kyle I'm not making this up!
Catniss Of course you are, because vampires aren't real!
Conan They aren't?
Catniss No.
Conan What about catwolves?
Kyle I've actually seen a catwolf so I know they are real.
And if vampires don't exist, then where does that trail of black roses lead?
To a mysterious castle in the forest. Thank you.

Quest End[]

Francis Guess you were wrong about vampires not being real, Catniss.
Catniss I might have been wrong about the castle, but that doesn't mean vampires exist.
Kyle Who else would want to live in a dark castle?
Catniss Let's go and see. It's probably empty.
Conan We're going in there?
Is that a good idea?
Francis Is "Conan the brave knight" scared?
Kyle Don't worry. I will take the lead.
Catniss is right. This castle is empty, because I scared its master away.
Conan ...
I. Am... Not. Scared. At all.
Kyle Come on then.

Quest 6: Hello?[]

Quest Start[]

Francis Hello?
Is anyone home?
Kyle I told you, I scared him away.
Catniss Man it's dark in here...
Conan AAAAH!
Kyle Wow, the lights just turned on...
I bet this castle is magical.
Catniss It could use a make-over, though... Everything looks really old.
Conan Guys, what are those things hanging from the ceiling?
Kyle Those would be bats.
Conan *gulp*
Catniss Don't worry, Conan, they're super high up.
Conan Do we even need to be here? It's probably cursed!
Kyle We should try to find out then.
Imagine if we could make this place our new base!
We need to check EVERY SINGLE ROOM!

Quest End[]

Francis Checking every room sounds like a lot of work...
Can't we just check the big ones? Any treasure would be in one of those.
Conan So we're looking for treasure now?
Kyle If we split up we'll be done faster.
Conan I'm going with Catniss!
Kyle No, you should go with Francis. No point in having two mages on the same side.
Besides, I know Catniss wants to go with me.
Catniss *sigh* Sure, let's just go...
Conan Wah, no, Catniss. Wait!
Francis Don't you like me?
What did I ever do to you?
Why do you hate me?!
Conan I don't hate you, I just-

Quest 7: The Lord[]

Quest Start[]

Catniss Oh, what a surprise, this room is also empty!
Kyle They are all empty.
But look, the candles light up when we open a door to a room.
And they extinguish when we close it.
Pretty cool, huh?
Catniss Wow. Yes, that is the most amazing thing I've ever seen...
Kyle Well, I can see why Conan likes you...
You're both super boring.
Catniss Hey, did that curtain just move?
Kyle Which one?
Catniss This one...
Jörgen Welcome to my humble abode.
Oh, and...

Quest End[]

Conan Do you feel anything?
Francis Nothing but an oppresive [sic] dark force.
Conan What?
Francis Yeah, but we already knew the castle was magical.
Conan But a "dark force" means it's cursed, right?
Francis Nah, if we don't see anything I don't think there's any problem.
What worries me is that there might not be any hidden treasure here...
Conan All right, that's it. I'm calling this off!

Quest 8: Caught[]

Quest Start[]

Conan Catniss! Kyle! We're heading back to the guild!
Francis I don't think they can hear you.
Conan Do you think they went up the stairs?
Francis Maybe.
Conan Ugh..!
Jörgen Yes, little kittens.
Go further into the darkness.

Quest End[]

Conan Ca- Catniss..?
Francis (Conan. I have a really bad feeling about the second floor...)
Conan (Why are you whispering?)
Francis (I think someone is listening.)
Conan (A vampire?!)
Francis (Maybe? Should we turn around?)
Conan *gulp*
Jörgen One must not break into other people's homes.
Conan *faints*

Quest 9: Punishment[]

Quest Start[]

Jörgen Now that we are all gathered, would you mind telling me why you are lurking within my castle?
Does it not tell you to stay away?
Or are you just so eager to be bitten by a real vampire?
Kyle Pff, "real" vampire. You don't look the part.
Jörgen You say that wearing fake fangs. It. Is. Infuriating.
Conan Please don't bite us!
We want nothing from you.
Francis Just tell us what happened between you and Kyle.
Jörgen This little rascal? Certainly.

Quest End[]

Jörgen And then I tended to my rose garden and went out for a hunt.
Conan A hunt for blood?!
Jörgen No, a hunt for berries...
Catniss So there was no Evil Pugomancer?
Jörgen None. And I most certainly was not scared of this...costume.
Francis Hah, I knew Kyle was a liar!
Kyle Tch..!
Conan Will you let us go now?
Jörgen Let you go?
First and foremost, you must be punished for what you have done.

Quest 10: Vampire's Work[]

Quest Start[]

Catniss Where are you taking us?
Jörgen Just keep walking.
Kyle Ugh, Francis, stop pushing me!
Francis I can't help it, the rope between us is too short.
Conan (Don't let him bite me, don't let him bite me, don't let him bite me...)
Jörgen Now open the door to your left.
Catniss We don't have any free paws.
Jörgen Ah, how silly of me. Of course, I shall open the door for you.
Enter the room. And please do not scream, no one will hear you.

Quest End[]

Catniss Oh my...
Francis Wow...
Conan This is...
Kyle Are you guys seeing what I'm seeing?
These are the ugliest paintings I've ever seen.
Jörgen !
What. Did. You. Say?
Conan (Why would you make him angry?!)
Kyle I bet I can paint better than that.
Jörgen You truly believe to be a better artist than I?
Jörgen, the master vampire?!
Kyle Eh.. yeah, pretty sure.
Jörgen Let us see then... rascal.

Quest 11: Paint-off[]

Quest Start[]

Francis Oow, my paws are sore from the rope...
Catniss What are you going to do?
Kyle *I* am going to win this paint-off.
Conan (Why don't we just go?)
Jörgen I can hear you, scared little knight.
If this... INFERIOR artist somehow stands victor of this contest, you may leave.
If not, you will become my slaves for the rest of your lives.
Conan No way, I am not betting my life on Kyle!
Jörgen You have no choice!
Now. Let us begin.

Quest End[]

Kyle Hm... What should I paint?
Oh. Of course. A self-portrait, thank you for the great suggestion, Francis!
Catniss Why would you suggest that, Francis?
Francis I didn't say anything!
Jörgen You start to paint immediately? Amateur!
One must first find inspiration!
Conan Hey..!
Hey, you!
Where did he go?
Kyle I know you guys are too mesmerized by my painting to care about Conan right now.
Catniss Nope. Never. Let's go, Francis.

Quest 12: Inspiration[]

Quest Start[]

Conan Hello? Mr. Vampire?
Is it okay if I go home now?
(Why did I even follow him...)
(Uugh, this hallway is making me queasy.)
Jörgen Little knight..
Conan Huh, where are you?
Mr. Vampire?
Jörgen Here I am!
Jörgen Splendid pose!

Quest End[]

Catniss Conaaan?!
Francis Beware of the bats!
Catniss Francis! Don't be mean!
Francis Sorry, I can't help it, hehe...
Jörgen Step aside, kittens. Inspiration has come to me!
Conan Uuugh...
Catniss Conan, are you okay?
Conan I just want to go home...

Quest 13: Sold Knight[]

Quest Start[]

Catniss So he scares kittens and draws the poses they make?
I wouldn't call it evil but...
Conan He's the worst.
Francis So all those other paintings he's made are supposed to be scared cats?
Catniss They look nothing like it.
Jörgen You do not see because you do not understand art.
Now behold my latest masterpiece!
I have never seen such a scared cat!
Kyle Ever seen a cat as cool as this one, though?
Jörgen Is that... a portrait of yourself?
Kyle Yup. Pretty good, huh?
Jörgen It is not art.
Kyle If art is what you do then I don't want to do art.
Catniss Hey, Jörgen, can I make a proposal?
Jörgen I will not marry you, madame.
I had a wife once, but vampires and artists alike must remain alone.
Catniss What? No. Eew.
If Conan promises to become a model for you, will you let us go?
Jörgen A model? For me to scare whenever I feel like?
Catniss Yes.
Conan WHAT?!
Jörgen A splendid idea!

Quest End[]

Conan Why would you do that, Catniss?!
I don't want to be chased by a vampire all my life!
Jörgen Worry not. I will appear when you least expect it.
And I promise to capture the true fear displayed by your full body in my art.
It will be magnificent.
Conan I- I- I-
Francis It's okay to cry, Conan.
Kyle Yeah, we totally won't call you a crybaby for the rest of your life.
Just to make it clear, I won the competition.
Jörgen You won nothing, little rascal.
The next time you faint by the mere sight of me I will give you a *real* bite instead of just a nibble.
Kyle Hah... Jokes. I like that...
Jörgen Speaking of bites... *deep breath* I am feeling thirsty. I will excuse myself and be off.
Until we meet again, scared knight.
Catniss Well, that sure was a special fellow.
Glad we got out unharmed.
Conan... Are you crying?
Conan N- No! I'm not. I'm going back to the guild!
Francis I think you hurt his feelings, Catniss.
Catniss ...
Now I feel bad.
Conan, wait up!
Kyle Just you-
Francis No, I'm not talking to you, fake-vampire.
Vampires don't sparkle.
Kyle ...
They do too.

Quest 14: Worried Knight[]

Quest Start[]

Conan Oh...
Francis What's up, Conan?
Conan What? Nothing...
Catniss You've been pacing back and forth for an hour now.
Conan Yeah? Well, it's dark, Catniss!
And *someone* sold my soul to a *vampire*!
So, maybe I'm a little jittery because a scary bat-cat might be standing behind me any moment!
Catniss I just...
Francis Wow, he's really mad at you.
Gosh, they're both mopey...

Quest End[]

Francis Kyle, I can't believe I'm saying this, but...
Kyle You think I'm the coolest cat around?
Thanks, Francis. Never thought you would let the truth come out.
Francis ...
(Stay calm, Francis. You can do this.)
Yeah. You got me.
Also, we need to do some trick-or-treating.
Kyle This again? I'd rather-
Francis You don't have a choice!

Quest 15: Vampire Help[]

Quest Start[]

Catniss Hey, Conan...
Conan I don't wanna hear any excuses, Catniss.
Jörgen Little knight!
Catniss What, I didn't know Jörgen was here.
Jörgen I feel quite ashamed, but I am in need of help.
Conan (As if we're going to help you...)
Catniss What do you need help with?
Jörgen I will tell you on the way. Time is of the essence!

Quest End[]

Conan I *really* dislike this place.
Be thankful that I'm a true hero, vampire.
Jörgen I am, little knight. I am.
I am also thankful for the great pose you made back there.
I will have to paint it sometime soon.
Catniss Speaking of paintings...
Why are all of yours lying *outside* your castle?

Quest 16: Lady Vampire[]

Quest Start[]

Rose So, you decided to come back after all?
And you brought little kittens with you.
Catniss Who is this lady, Jörgen?
Jörgen This is Rose. My former wife.
Rose He left me because he wanted to pursue his wild dream of becoming an artist.
And look where that got you, dearest.
Jörgen You cannot throw away all of my paintings!
I forbid you!
Rose Then stop me.
Now that I have become a vampire, I will be moving back in.
Conan You're a vampire?! But you're a fair lady!
Rose One does not exclude the other, dear kitten.
Now, if you excuse me, I will have to get myself some servants.

Quest End[]

Jörgen The nerve of that cat!
To throw my life's work out here on the ground!
Catniss I think your problem is bigger than that...
Conan I don't see any problem.
Your long lost wife has come back and wants to live with you.
Is that a bad thing?
Jörgen She is a distraction of my art!
You must help me get rid of her!
This castle is mine and mine alone!
Conan You're the worst of the worst!
I will *never* help you.
Jörgen Do this for me and our model contract is over.
Conan We're going after her!

Quest 17: New Servants[]

Quest Start[]

Francis They'd better be thankful for all of this candy.
Kyle We're giving it to the guild?
Francis Did you think we would eat it ourselves?
Kyle Well, I'm doing all the work, so...
I'm kidding.
Rose Excuse me, little one. Would you be interested in a job?
Kyle Who, me? Nah, I already have one.
Rose With a costume such as yours, it is clear that you are in need of coin.
You are even begging others for... candy?
Francis It's called trick-or-treating, lady.
And we are actually heroes of a guild.
Rose I am looking for servants, and I will get servants.
You two are now my servants.
Kyle Yes, milady.
Francis We are now your servants.

Quest End[]

Catniss There she is!
Conan Is that Francis and Kyle?
Why are they with her?
Jörgen Rose!
Rose Hello, dearest. I have gotten myself two personal servants.
Are they not adorable?
They will make our castle look nice and shiny again.
Jörgen They will not!
I am the master of the castle, and *I* want it to be dark.
Rose Perhaps we can keep your chambers as they are.
But the rest of the castle must be made anew.
Conan Francis! Kyle! What are you doing?
Kyle Sorry, sir. Milady does not want me to speak with anyone.
Francis We have a castle to clean.
Jörgen She is controlling their minds...
I had no idea Rose possessed such powers...
Catniss Aaand we just let them walk away... *sigh*

Quest 18: The Problem[]

Quest Start[]

Catniss Excuse me, miss Rose, but could you tell me why you're doing this?
I thought you liked Jörgen.
Rose He is my husband. Of course I like him.
Catniss Then why are you throwing away his paintings?
Rose He is free to do whatever he wants with them.
I am merely freeing space so that my servants can clean up the mess he has made.
Francis Should we begin right away, milady?
Rose Yes, please do. Get rid of all the spiderweb, and the bats.
Jörgen Rose, you must not remain in this castle.
I am meant to live here alone - for all eternity.
Conan Catniss, it really feels like we're not going anywhere...
Catniss I know, Jörgen seems set on being all by himself.
Meanwhile, Rose is holding a grudge against him for leaving her.
Conan She refuses to leave just to mess with him?
That's petty.
Catniss Indeed. We need her to forgive Jörgen, maybe she will leave then.

Quest End[]

Kyle Beware, bats coming through!
Conan Gaaah! Protect me!
Jörgen You have such fear of bats it is fascinating, little knight.
Conan You're the one who refuses to live with his own wife just because you're scare of losing your "art"!
You're the biggest coward here!
Jörgen She was never supposed to become a vampire...
Never supposed to live forever...
Conan I think your art is freaky, but now that Rose is a vampire, maybe she can help you scare innocent cats?
You're just gonna go without saying anything? Thanks...

Quest 19: The Talk[]

Quest Start[]

Catniss Miss Rose, don't you think it's about time you forgave Jörgen?
Rose I do not know what you are talking about.
Catniss It's clear that you're not on good terms with him.
Rose Half of this castle is mine by right.
Are you suggesting that I should just leave it all?
Catniss I'm suggesting-
Rose I wanted *red* curtains!
Kyle Sorry, milady! We will change it right away.
Catniss I'm suggesting that maybe you should talk to him about it.
I'm sure he's willing to let you stay. You are married after all.
Rose All he cares about is his stupid art!
It will take a very sincere apology for me to forgive Jörgen for what he did.

Quest End[]

Jörgen Rose, my dear, there is something I must tell you.
Rose What is it, dearest?
Have you finally realized that art is not the way for you?
Jörgen Yes. I have come to the conclusion that my art never reached its full potential.
For I was missing a key component.
Rose Me?
Jörgen Yes! With your powers, we can fill the castle with servants for me to scare!
I will be able to paint as never before!
Rose You want me to help?
Jörgen I need you, Rose, my dear.
I will never let you go again.

Quest 20: Free?[]

Quest Start[]

Conan They finally made up. What did you say to her, Catniss?
Catniss What did *you* say to Jörgen?
Conan Only what he needed to hear.
Jörgen Little knight. Now that Rose and I are reunited, we have decided to ignore our previous contract.
Conan Good.
Rose Instead, you will all become our servants.
Jörgen For being so friendly with us, we will give you a head start.
Conan Hah...
Jörgen 10...
Conan Are you...?
Jörgen 9...
Catniss Conan, let's go! We need to get Francis and Kyle!

Quest End[]

Conan Francis! Kyle!
Francis I'm sorry, sir. Milady has said-
Catniss *slap*
Snap out of it!
Kyle Why I've never!
Catniss *slap*
You too!
Conan, grab Francis. We have to go!
Conan Yeah, come here, stupid!
Francis No, don't touch me!
Milady, we're being kidnapped!

Quest 21: Forgiveness[]

Quest Start[]

Rose And away they run.
Should we go after them?
Jörgen No need.
We will visit them again soon enough.
Until then, we have a castle to clean.
Rose And servants to find.
Jörgen Hahaha

Quest End[]

Conan *huff huff*
Are they after us?
Catniss No, I think we're safe.
Francis Conan, stop pulling me! It hurts!
Conan So you're back to normal now?
Kyle I was always normal. Just wanted to see how things went.
Conan Yeah, right...
Francis What about you two, are you back to normal?
Conan What do you mean?
Francis Are you still mopey?
Cause we lost all the candy we were supposed to give you.
Catniss You went out to get us candy?
Kyle Yeah, we thought it would help Conan forgive you for selling his soul to a vampire.
Francis It was my idea!
Conan It doesn't matter. Unlike those two vampires, I don't hold stupid grudges.
Catniss is my friend, and she always will be.
Catniss Thanks, Conan. You're a true knight, indeed.
Conan But I wouldn't say no to some candy...
Kyle Guess I'll go again, then. I'm the only one who can wear this costume anyway.
Francis Ugh, I really hate that guy...
Conan Let him have this moment...
Just this once.