Castle Cats Wiki
Copyright Notice: Much of the content below was captured or copied verbatim from Castle Cats and is therefore copyrighted by PocApp Studios AB.
Spoiler Warning: This page contains heavy spoilers for the Anniversary 2018 event quest storyline of Castle Cats. Proceed at your own risk!

Storyline 1[]

Quest 1: Stolen Hoard[]

Quest Start[]

Nyadra There you are.
Romeo Hello, beautiful.
Nyadra I just finished a quest...
Romeo Did you now?
Nyadra Quiet!
It took me three days, and when I returned to my lair today...
Juliet Your hoard of gold coins and trinkets that you refuse to share with the guild?
Romeo Again with the accusations?
You know we don't steal things from our fellow guild mates.
Never happened before.
Juliet Besides, I don't steal.
Nyadra *glare*

Quest End[]

Conan Guys what are you doing?
You're ruining the guild!
Juliet Sorry, Con-con, but it's not us.
Nyadra They stole from me!
Juliet We did not!
Conan Juliet, I've told you time and time again to stop stealing from guild members.
Whatever you took, give it back.
Juliet Look, I may be a thief, but I'm an honest thief, alright?
We didn't take your gold, Nyadra.
Nyadra Then why is it gone?
Romeo Someone else must have taken it.
Someone who can move a big pile of gold and trinkets very easily.
Juliet Yeah, we can't do that with our bare paws.
Nyadra I don't believe you. If you want off, you'd better prove your innocence by finding the culprit!

Quest 2: Whodunnit?[]

Quest Start[]

Romeo Well, my dearest, it seems we are in quite a pickle right now...
Juliet I say...
Nyadra Oh, don't mind me...
Romeo Who-
Nyadra Just know that I'm watching your every move.
Romeo Who do you-
Nyadra Your every move.
Romeo ...
Who do you think could have taken the stuff?
Juliet Well, only one cat comes to mind.

Quest End[]

I've never been so offended in my life!
Nyadra Show us your room then!
Francis No! Now get lost!
Romeo I don't think he did it, Nyadra.
Nyadra Grr..!
Juliet So...
We'll get her off your back if you share half the loot.
Francis I don't have any loot!
Juliet Come on, Fran-fran, have I ever been mean to you?
Francis Pretty much every time I interact with you.
Now go!

Quest 3: Little Captain[]

Quest Start[]

Nyadra If that greedy mage really didn't take it, then it must have been you!
Romeo Calm your flames, beautiful. I assure you that is wasn't us.
Juliet Maybe it was someone outside of the guild.
Romeo You think Charmer could have done it?
Juliet Don't know, but we've had a lot of visitors lately.
Romeo Then we should talk to our little captain.

Quest End[]

Juliet Hey, Con-con.
Conan Did you find the thief?
Nyadra They did not. I still think it was them.
Romeo We think one of our visitors might have taken it.
Remember all the strange cats who've come by here?
Conan Haven't you two been spying on every single cat that's entered our grounds?
Juliet Heeeeeeeeeeey~
That's right. And I just got an idea.
Thanks, Con-con. <3
Conan Stop calling me that..!

Quest 4: Found him![]

Quest Begin[]

Nyadra So, what's your bright idea, thief?
Juliet You know, there's only one cat I know that would take a pile of treasures from a cave.
Nyadra Who?
Romeo Oh, of course!
That one!
Juliet Exactly, that one!
And you know he's a fast one.
Nyadra ...
Did I just get played?

Quest End[]

Nyadra Stop! Where do you think you're going?
Juliet To get your gold back.
Nyadra Why would my gold be out by the shore?
Romeo Because it's on a boat.
And it's ready to take off.
Nyadra What?! Not on my watch!

Quest 5: YARR![]

Quest Begin[]

Nyadra YOU!
Wetbeard Ye think ye can jus' crash me ship like dat?
I be captain Wetbeard!
An' this here be my claimed booty.
No sharin' this day.
Nyadra Your... "booty"?
I've worked years to gather this much treasure.
It belongs to me!
Now turn this ship around before I scorch you!
Wetbeard Nay! A pirate's ne'er scared of any peril!

Quest End[]

Juliet Sooo... Should we do anything about this?
Romeo They should be able to solve it on their own.
Juliet Yeah...
But you know, that pirate might have some fun stuff on his ship.
Romeo True indeed, my love.
Let us find a way to get onboard [sic].

Quest 6: Turn-around[]

Quest Begin[]

Nyadra Turn this ship around!
Wetbeard tis my booty, ye fire-breathin' mongrel!
Nyadra Since you refuse, I shall do it myself!
Wetbeard Ey! Where ye be flyin' off to?
Ye be pushin' me Rolling Sushi!
Stop, ye flyin' cockroach!
Ye be steerin' us towards rocks!

Quest End[]

Nyadra Hah. Now there's nowhere to go, stupid pirate.
Wetbeard Ye ruined me ship!
And me booty be lyin' all over the shore!
Curse ye, dragon!
Nyadra It's my treasure. Now bugger off while you can!
Romeo Hey, hey, hey.
No need for violence, people.
Wetbeard Romeo lad, me favorite partner!
Tell this fire-breathin' buffon[sic] here to get'er paws of me booty!
Nyadra "Partner"?
Romeo Past partner. I still have nothing to do with this.
Nyadra ...
You better start picking. I want every single coin back in my lair.

Quest 7: Coin-picking[]

Quest Begin[]

Juliet Now this is a true act of kindness, don't you agree, Nyadra?
Nyadra This is only retribution.
Romeo Come now, if we truly worked with Wetbeard, why would we lead you to him?
Nyadra Just keep gathering my hoard.
Juliet How will you carry it back to the guild?
Nyadra That's your problem. I'm only watching.
Romeo (Moody today, is she not?)
Juliet (I guess we should have expected that.)
(How many coins you got?)
Romeo (My bag's almost full.)
Juliet (Hehe, mine too.)

Quest End[]

Wetbeard Dragoncat! I challenge ye to a race across the sea!
Me Rolling Sushi against ye flyin' wings!
The winner gets the booty!
What say ye?
Nyadra I say: I'm not betting my valuable loot against nothing.
Wetbeard Alrighty, then. If ye win ye may have me ship.
Nyadra Why would I-
Romeo It would help us take all of your treasure back to the guild. We're pretty far away.
Nyadra ...
Wetbeard Jus' load the booty on me ship and we shall race to yer guild.
Nyadra You are a truly foolish cat if you think your ship, fully loaded, is faster than I am.

Quest 8: The Race[]

Quest Begin[]

Romeo Both racers ready?
Wetbeard Me ship's always ready for sail!
Nyadra Just say the word.
Romeo Go!
Juliet Oh my...
That fish hit her hard.
Wetbeard Captain Wetbeard always wins!
Hold on to yer paws, we arrrrrrre sailin'!

Quest End[]

Nyadra *pant* *pant*
Where is he?!
Romeo Sorry, beautiful, Wetbeard took off.
Juliet And he got all of your stuff with him.
Nyadra What?!
How could you let this happen?!
He cheated! The dishonorable-
Romeo Pirate. He's a pirate. You should have expected as much.
Nyadra Wait... What's that clinking noise?
Romeo What? That's just *my* coin purse. My own.
Nyadra *glare*
Juliet I don't think she believes us, Romeo dearest.
Romeo Heh, gotta go!

Storyline 2[]

Quest 1: Bad Luck[]

Quest Begin[]

Nyadra Get back here!
Edward Those three...
Oh my...
Kai I heard explosions, friend. Are you alright?
Edward I am... decent.
My experiments have not been going well recently.
Kai That is unfortunate.
Edward I even failed a quest with a calculated 95% success rate yesterday...
And I've been having nightmares lately...
Kai Are they keeping you awake?
Edward I do not feel any side-effects from them, I have merely been having this... I do not want to say it...
Bad luck - recently.
Kai Hm... Dreams do have that power.
But if we are to examine your dreams, we should converse with an expert in the matter.
Come with me.

Quest End[]

Kai Miss Sparkle, I have a friend in need of your expertise.
Luna Sparkle Who is it?
Edward Edward, the alchemist.
But I am not so sure that you can help me.
Frankly, I do not give credit to fortune telling.
Especially not since last Purrismas...
Luna Sparkle Well, this is not fortune telling.
Have you been having bad dreams?
Kai He has. And it is affecting his work.
Luna Sparkle That sounds troublesome.
Please, tell me about your dreams.
Edward Alright...

Quest 2: Dream Expert[]

Quest Begin[]

Edward So, my dreams are all about...
Well, I always have a hard time remembering them...
Luna Sparkle That is usually the case.
How do you feel when waking up?
Edward Nothing in particular.
I go to my workshop as usual and check on my experiments.
Luna Sparkle And they have been going well lately?
Edward On the contrary, they have failed miserably.
Luna Sparkle Okay... Take me through a regular day and we shall see if there is anything I can do.

Quest End[]

Edward And that's how my days usually go now...
Kai It does seem as if you have been struck by bad luck, friend.
Luna Sparkle Indeed... I am sorry, but I do not think I can do anything for you.
Edward That is okay. I never thought you could anyway.
Luna Sparkle Will you help me invade his dreams tonight, Kai?
Kai Certainly, miss Sparkle.

Quest 3: Dream Meeting[]

Quest Begin[]

Edward What is this place?
Kai This is your dream, friend.
Edward Kai?
Luna Sparkle We came here to help.
The source of your misfortune can only be found within your dreams.
Edward This chaotic place is my... dream?
Luna Sparkle Yes. This neverending[sic] storm, the crumbling ground, the giant wave of lava on the horizon...
These are all signs of your inner emotions.
But I shan't reveal their meaning until you wake up.
Edward So... now what?
Kai Let us walk across this dreamy land. Perhaps we will find something interesting.

Quest End[]

Edward Gosh! This thunder is truly unpredictable.
Kai Are you not able to calculate the strikes?
Edward No... I do not think I have ever been able to.
Luna Sparkle What about these falling rocks?
Edward Well... Uhm...
According to my calculations... Only the borders seem to be falling of...
So if we want to reach that wall of lava we should be able to if we keep this pace.
Kai Very good! I do believe that fiery wall holds our answers.

Quest 4: Nightmare[]

Quest Begin[]

Luna Sparkle Do you remember this place from before, Edward?
Edward Well, kind of... It feels like I have been here before.
It feels the same but still... different.
Where did Kai go?
Luna Sparkle You did not notice when she was truck by lightning?
Edward What?! No! We have to go back for her.
Luna Sparkle There is nowhere to go back to. The road has collapsed.
Edward Oh no... And we are no closer to the lava wall than we were before.
Luna Sparkle Indeed, your dream world seems to be crumbling.
Edward What does that mean? My heart is pounding!
Luna Sparkle It means you are waking up. But worry not, I have gathered the information I needed.
Edward No, don't go!
So alone...
According to my calculations... I AM GOING CRAZY!

Quest End[]

Edward Uh... What a weird dream...
I wonder how my experiments have fared overnight...
All five potions have overflown. Means my measurements were wrong... again.

Quest 5: Cup of Tea[]

Quest Begin[]

Kai How are you faring, friend?
Edward Not too well... Seems my... "bad luck" is not improving.
Kai Worry not. Miss Luna Sparkle has asked us to come visit her later today.
Edward Oh, yeah... Now I remember! You were in my dream.
Kai We were. But before we go, I believe it is time for tea.
Edward Morning tea would be nice.

Quest End[]

Kai Did you know that tea increases your body's resistance against colds?
Edward By 10% if I remember correctly.
I also noticed that cats that drink morning tea has[sic] a hidden increase of 5% success rate on their quests.
Kai Interesting fact, friend.
Edward ...
If my nightmares have truly brought my misfortune, I have a lot of now experiments to conduct when this is over.
Kai Some things are better left alone, friend. Sometimes you should only accept the world for what it is.

Quest 6: Confrontation[]

Quest Begin[]

Kai Are you okay, friend?
Edward Yes, yes, just... a little nervous, apparently.
Are you sure Luna has a solution for me?
Kai She was certain that she had found the source of your troubles.
But only you will be able to make them go away.
Edward Alright. Let's see what she has to say.

Quest End[]

Edward Hello, Luna. Do you really know how to help me?
Luna Sparkle Yes. By the look of the nightmare you had, something in the future is bothering you.
Something that you do not want anyone to know about.
Edward What would that be?
Kai You must look deep within your heart to find the truth, friend.
Do not be afraid.
Edward But I am not worried nor afraid of anything... My misfortune came by chance, without warning.
Luna Sparkle Some things in life do happen without warning.
But for your dreams to affect you this much, you must have been carrying these feelings for quite some time.
Edward ...
Kai You can tell us, Edward. It is the only way.

Quest 7: Revelation[]

Quest Begin[]

Edward There is a full moon next weekend, and I have prepared an experiment for that night, but...
I feel no worry about it, even though things have been going awry lately.
Kai Perhaps it is not an alchemical matter.
Edward Alchemy is my life.
I have nothing else to worry about...
Luna Sparkle Seems we have found our answer.
Edward ...
It started after Valentine's Day...
When it was over, I realized I had been working all day.
All alone. On Valentine's Day. While everyone else was having fun together.
I do not want it do[sic] be like that forever...
Kai There is nothing wrong with loving one's craft. But there is also no wrong in wanting friends.
Edward Do you not think it is too late for me? You are the only one I consider my friend, Kai...
And perhaps Pipsqueak...
Luna Sparkle One can learn many great things from friendship, if only you are brave enough to put yourself out there.
Kai I believe in you, Edward.
Edward Okay... I think I can do that.

Quest End[]

Edward Excuse me...
Catniss Francis, did you bring the bag?
Francis No, I told you my paws are full.
Catniss You're not carrying anything! Ugh!
Edward Excuse me...
Francis Hey, E-
Edward Edward.
Francis Yeah! You wanna do this quest instead of me?
Edward With Catniss?
Francis Yeah, you have the exact same skills as me, right?
Edward I believe so.
Francis Good. I can't stand her nagging sometimes. Good luck!
Catniss Edward, did you see where Francis went?
Edward Yes, he said I could take his place on this quest.
Catniss Oh..? You're coming with me instead? That's excellent!
Edward I am glad you think so... Ehm... Shall we go? I can carry that bag for you if you want.
Catniss Thanks. I'll give you the quest description on the way.

Storyline 3[]

Quest 1: Mage Trio[]

Quest Begin[]

Conan Are you sure you can do this, Francis?
Francis Yes, Catniss will be fine, I let Evan take my place. Gimme this quest instead!
Conan I'm just saying, this is an important quest.
Francis I know, I know.
Conan And the task is?
Francis Find a magic super seed for the royal family's garden.
I know how to read quest contracts.
Conan Okay. I trust you'll do this properly.
Good luck.
Francis No need for luck.
Conan Also, Kyle and Purrcis are going with you.
Francis What?
Conan Bye~
Kyle Sup, scrub.
Purrcis Hello.
Francis Hi...

Quest End[]

Kyle So, I know you are small and all, Purrcis. But there's no need to worry with me leading the way.
Francis This is my quest, Kyle.
Kyle It was, until Conan gave it to *me*, since he didn't trust you enough.
Francis (Stupid Conan... Why would I want to go with this guy?)
Purrcis Sorry, but I think you are going the wrong way.
Kyle What?
Francis Huh..? Yeah, we are!
Nice job, Kyle!
Kyle What are you talking about? This is a shortcut.
Purrcis It's the wrong way. We should follow the road until we reach the Ring-ring Tree.
Francis It actually says so in the quest description...
Let's go!

Quest 2: Garbage Words[]

Quest Begin[]

Francis Hey, look, the Ring-ring Tree is actually ringing.
Purrcis Hence the name...
Kyle I still think we should've taken the shortcut.
This way takes like two days.
Purrcis It will take three hours.
Kyle Yeah... Two days.
Francis You're so stupid, Kyle.

Quest End[]

Kyle So, Purrcis, have you ever done a quest like this before?
One time I was sent to the desert to find some kind of cactus and-
Francis You're not even letting him answer your stupid question.
Purrcis I have never been out here before.
But I did do a quest for the royal family once.
Kyle We let a kitten do a quest like that? Must have been some easy thing then.
Purrcis They had found an ancient magic stone tablet that they needed help deciphering.
I like to learn ancient languages.
Kyle Yeah, me too. I know all of them.
Francis You know all he says is garbage, right?

Quest 3: Boulder[]

Quest Begin[]

Kyle Oh, would you look at that!
A giant boulder in the middle of the road!
Told you we should've taken the shortcut.
Purrcis This isn't supposed to be here.
Francis Let's just go around it.
Look, there's a path right there.
Kyle No, let's go the other way. I know another shortcut.
Purrcis I'm going with Francis.
Kyle Bah!

Quest End[]

Kyle So, like I was saying...
What are you doing?
Francis The mud we're standing on is sinking...
Kyle Eew. Why would you stand on it then?
Purrcis You are too.
Francis You were supposed to help us!
Kyle You should have warned me then!
Purrcis We did. But you were mumbling to yourself...
Kyle So now what?
Purrcis Hold your breath, I think we can sink through. Feels like there's a tunnel of sorts below us.
Francis I should never have taken this quest...

Quest 4: Tunnel[]

Quest Begin[]

Francis Hah, we're alive!
Purrcis But I wonder where we are...
Kyle Some kind of underground tunnel...
Good job, Francis. If we took my shortcut we would've found that magic seed by now.
You always mess things up.
It's sad.
Francis Oh yeah?!
Kyle Yeah.
Purrcis I think we should follow the tunnel...
Francis Why don't you let your paws do the talking then?
Kyle Hey! Don't shove me!
Purrcis ...
I guess I'll get back to you guys later...

Quest End[]

Kyle Loser!
Francis Show-off!
Kyle Hah! If you think I'm a show-off it only means you're jealous.
Francis That makes no sense!
Kyle Your face makes no sense.
Francis ...
Hey, where's Purrcis?
Kyle Eh... That way?
Francis Or the other way...
Kyle Guess we'll just split up then.
Francis I guess so!

Quest 5: Practical Potion[]

Quest Begin[]

Francis (Stupid Kyle... I hate his guts..!)
Are you there?
Purrcis This was a dead end.
Francis What's that smell?
Purrcis It's my potion. I'm going to blow up the wall.
Francis Is that safe?
Purrcis Yeah, it'll make a small hole for us to go through.
I think there's a chamber or something on the other side.
Francis Wow... You were really prepared for this, huh?
Purrcis Mother taught me some very practical alchemy.
Where's Kyle?
Francis Oh right... We should probably go get him.

Quest End[]

Francis Kyle, did you find anything?
Kyle Yeah, look.
Francis Is that a skull?!
Kyle Scared? Hah.
I thought maybe Purrcis would want it.
Cause, you know, I'm generous like that.
Purrcis Thanks. I actually like it.
My potion should be ready now.
Kyle What potion?
Francis I know what you're trying to do, Kyle.
And it won't happen. Purrcis is too cool for you.

Quest 6: Getting Out[]

Quest Begin[]

Francis Wow, you were right... There was a chamber here.
Kyle Looks like a temple of sorts...
I know, cause I've been in them before.
Francis How did you know it was here?
Purrcis I just used my magic.
I do it all the time. Don't you?
Francis Uhm...
Kyle Of course I do.
But this isn't part of our quest. We should just find the way out.
Follow me!
Francis Is he going the right way this time?
Purrcis I think so. It feels like the wind is coming from there.
Francis Right. The wind...

Quest End[]

Kyle See, I told you I would get us out!
Francis Where to now then, tracker-master?
Kyle Well, it shouldn't be too hard to get back to the road.
From there, we should take my shortcut.
Francis Or we could let Purrcis lead the way.
Purrcis Me?
Francis You've been right so far.
Purrcis Okay... I think we should go this way.
Kyle You let the kitten take the front?
Francis You look down on kittens?
For shame, Kyle. For shame.

Quest 7: Playing With Fire[]

Quest Begin[]

Purrcis These trees are in the way.
Francis Got a potion for that?
Kyle Potion? Please. Just watch.
Francis Did you just set those trees on fire?
Kyle Yeah, to get them out of the way.
I didn't think you were scared of fire, Francis.
Francis I'm not. I'm the fireball master. Watch!
Purrcis The fire is spreading...
Kyle I'm also a master of the water element!
Purrcis This is really dangerous...

Quest End[]

Francis Kyle, the fire won't die!
Kyle it's your fault, Francis! You overdid it!
Purrcis Hold still.
Kyle See, no problem!
Purrcis The seed we're looking for should be inside that glade.

Quest 8: Dig, dig, dig![]

Quest Begin[]

Francis Is this the tree? It's huge.
Kyle So where's the seed?
Purrcis There should be several in the ground.
Francis We have to dig them all up?
Kyle Whoever finds a seed first is the better mage!
Francis Oh, you're on!

Quest End[]

Francis Dig, dig, dig, dig, dig!
Kyle I'm still faster!
Purrcis I guess I will just try to get one myself...

Quest 9: Quest Complete[]

Quest Begin[]

Purrcis Did you guys find anything?
Francis No... I think we're in the wrong place.
Kyle You're just too bad.
I found two!
Francis Those are just pine cones...
Kyle Pine cones? In the ground? Like, really, Francis, that's your excuse?
Purrcis The seed looks like this.
Francis You got one?
Guess we found our winner!
Kyle What are you so happy for? You lost just as much as me...
Or more. I got second place.
Francis You not winning is good enough for me.
I'm just glad this quest is done.
Purrcis Yes, we should go back before the mother tree gets angry with us.
It will take about thirty seconds, so I suggest you get out of your holes.

Quest End[]

Conan You're back! Did you get the magical seed?
Kyle Yep. The king's castle will be a lot fancier thanks to me.
Conan Great. Go send the quest for completion.
Francis He didn't do anything...
Conan Please don't get salty, Francis.
Kyle only gets on your nerves because you're just like him.
Francis I'm *that* obnoxious?
Conan Sometimes.
Kyle So, Purrcis. You want me to show you some cool magic tricks?
You look like you can learn them pretty fast.
Not as fast as me, but, you know...
Purrcis Sorry, Kyle. I'm too cool for you.
Francis ...Hah!
Kyle Pff...
Francis Hey, you did good on this quest, Purrcis.
I wouldn't mind having you with me on some more quests.
Purrcis Thanks.
Francis So, have you ever played "fire fling-ball"?
Purrcis What's that?
Francis It's this awesome game for mages where you throw a fireball through hoops.
Come I'll show you!