Castle Cats Wiki

Timewalkers are heroes a player might or might not already have who appear in the guild hall and mill about with the player's guild members. They stay for 24 hours, during which time the player can purchase the cat at the usual gem price of 100 for Common heroes, 200 for Rares, and 300 for Mythics. Timewalkers are drawn from Event heroes introduced in years past, although for a time—from April, 2019, to January, 2021—Mythic Box cats were included as well. They appear roughly every three to six days on an undisclosed schedule, although they are sometimes announced by the developaws on their social media accounts the day before their visit.

Following is a reverse chronological list of the heroes who have appeared as Timewalkers from the feature's initial release; it is updated regularly as new ones become known. Where differences occur, the version numbers in superscript denote which version got that Timewalker on that date. All dates are in mm/dd/yy format and are based on local time, that is, not linked to any particular time zone.


Date Name Cost Gems
04/18/24 DJ Retr-0 300
04/15/24 Nora 300
04/12/24 Sofie 300
04/09/24 Niaur 300
04/06/24 Mequa 300
04/03/24 Vaati 300
03/31/24 Steve 300
03/28/24 Jason 300
03/25/24 Svea 300
03/22/24 Wriggley 200
03/19/24 Ferdinand 300
03/16/24 Lewis 300
03/13/24 Magic Mia 300
03/10/24 Harbour 300
03/07/24 Xerxes 300
03/04/24 Basil 300
03/01/24 Sprinkles 300
02/27/24 Adriel 300
02/24/24 Calli 300
02/21/24 Jörgen 300
02/18/24 Keiko 300
02/15/24 Agatha 300
02/12/24 Red Robin 300
02/09/24 Abuela 300
02/06/24 Sundae 300
02/03/24 Lune 300
01/31/24 Logan 300
01/28/24 Iko.N 300
01/25/24 Opal 300
01/22/24 Fortuna 300
01/19/24 Stormcloud 200
01/16/24 Surana 300
01/13/24 Dandelion 300
01/10/24 Ryder 300
01/07/24 Baz 300
01/04/24 Miss Jura 300
01/01/24 Titania 300


Date Name Cost Gems
12/29/23 EK-0 300
12/26/23 Tefiti 300
12/23/23 Wadjet 300
12/20/23 Dorothy 300
12/17/23 Anton 300
12/14/23 Cosette 300
12/11/23 Callum 300
12/08/23 Emma 200
12/05/23 Kate 300
12/02/23 Minerva 300
11/29/23 Olivia 300
11/26/23 Sunset 300
11/23/23 Gordon 200
11/20/23 Crabina 300
11/17/23 Santa Paws 300
11/14/23 Florinda 200
11/11/23 Jin Shu 300
11/08/23 Boreal 300
11/05/23 Eric 300
11/02/23 Iridessa 300
10/30/23 Lucious 300
10/27/23 Pan 300
10/24/23 Skully 300
10/21/23 Dio 300
10/18/23 Glaucous 300
10/15/23 Tigerbat 300
10/12/23 Darla 200
10/09/23 Peanut 300
10/06/23 Vasco 300
10/03/23 Charmer 300
09/30/23 Starsky 300
09/27/23 Shaun 300
09/24/23 Demaires 300
09/21/23 Akari 300
09/18/23 Jack 300
09/15/23 Shirley 300
09/12/23 Frosty 200
09/09/23 Lumi 300
09/06/23 Silver 300
09/03/23 Ash 300
08/31/23 Mortimer 300
08/28/23 Star 300
08/25/23 Harvey 300
08/22/23 Angela 300
08/19/23 Florence 300
08/16/23 Lou 300
08/13/23 Ginger 200
08/10/23 Kotinka 300
08/07/23 Venus 300
08/04/23 Renée 300
08/01/23 Berry 300
07/29/23 Sabrina 300
07/26/23 Aery 300
07/23/23 Gale 300
07/20/23 Night Queen 300
07/17/23 Avalanche 300
07/14/23 Christian 300
07/11/23 Tekah 300
07/08/23 Rose 300
07/05/23 Echo 300
07/02/23 Echo 300
06/29/23 Pete 300
06/26/23 Wetbeard 300
06/23/23 Fafnir 300
06/20/23 Aisling 300
06/17/23 Ace 300
06/14/23 Cocoa 300
06/11/23 Lagoon 300
06/08/23 Mrs Paws 300
06/05/23 Nils 300
06/02/23 Rocket 300
05/30/23 Juan 300
05/27/23 Yule 300
05/24/23 Hilda 300
05/21/23 Holly 300
05/18/23 Wendy 300
05/15/23 Ratchet 300
05/12/23 Holland 300
05/09/23 June 300
05/06/23 Rich 300
05/03/23 Krystal 300
04/30/23 Lucas 300
04/27/23 Amortina 300
04/24/23 Charlie 300
04/21/23 Cookie 300
04/18/23 Marie 300
04/15/23 DJ Retr-0 300
04/12/23 Nora 300
04/09/23 Sofie 300
04/06/23 Niaur 300
04/03/23 Mequa 300
03/31/23 Vaati 300
03/28/23 Steve 300
03/25/23 Jason 300
03/22/23 Svea 300
03/19/23 Wriggley 200
03/16/23 Ferdinand 300
03/13/23 Lewis 300
03/10/23 Magic Mia 300
03/07/23 Harbour 300
03/04/23 Xerxes 300
03/01/23 Basil 300
02/26/23 Sprinkles 300
02/23/23 Adriel 300
02/20/23 Calli 300
02/17/23 Jörgen 300
02/14/23 Keiko 300
02/11/23 Agatha 300
02/08/23 Red Robin 300
02/05/23 Abuela 300
02/02/23 Sundae 300
01/30/23 Lune 300
01/27/23 Logan 300
01/24/23 Iko.N 300
01/21/23 Opal 300
01/18/23 Fortuna 300
01/15/23 Stormcloud 200
01/12/23 Surana 300
01/09/23 Dandelion 300
01/06/23 Ryder 300
01/03/23 Baz 300


Date Name Cost Gems
12/31/22 Miss Jura 300
12/28/22 Titania 300
12/25/22 EK-0 300
12/22/22 Tefiti 300
12/19/22 Wadjet 300
12/16/22 Dorothy 300
12/13/22 Anton 300
12/10/22 Cosette 300
12/7/22 Callum 300
12/4/22 Emma 200
12/1/22 Kate 300
11/28/22 Minerva 300
11/25/22 Olivia 300
11/22/22 Sunset 300
11/19/22 Gordon 200
11/16/22 Crabina 300
11/13/22 Santa Paws 300
11/10/22 Florinda 200
11/7/22 Jin Shu 300
11/4/22 Boreal 300
11/1/22 Eric 300
10/29/22 Iridessa 300
10/26/22 Lucious 300
10/23/22 Pan 300
10/20/22 Skully 300
10/17/22 Dio 300
10/14/22 Glaucous 300
10/11/22 Tigerbat 300
10/05/22 Peanut 300
10/02/22 Vasco 300
09/29/22 Charmer 300
09/26/22 Starsky 300
09/23/22 Shaun 300
09/20/22 Demaires 300
09/17/22 Akari 300
09/11/22 Shirley 300
09/08/22 Frosty 200
09/05/22 Lumi 300
09/02/22 Silver 300
08/30/22 Ash 300
08/27/22 Mortimer 300
08/24/22 Star 300
08/21/22 Harvey 300
08/18/22 Angela 300
08/15/22 Florence 300
08/12/22 Lou 300
08/09/22 Ginger 200
08/06/22 Kotinka 300
08/03/22 Venus 300
07/31/22 Renée 300
07/28/22 Berry 300
07/25/22 Sabrina 300
07/22/22 Aery 300
07/19/22 Gale 300
07/16/22 Night Queen 300
07/13/22 Avalanche 300
07/10/22 Christian 300
07/07/22 Tekah 300
07/04/22 Rose 300
07/01/22 Echo 300
06/28/22 Echo 300
06/25/22 Pete 300
06/22/22 Wetbeard 300
06/16/22 Aisling 300
06/13/22 Ace 300
06/10/22 Cocoa 300
06/07/22 Lagoon 300
06/04/22 Mrs Paws 300
06/01/22 Nils 300
05/29/22 Rocket 300
05/26/22 Juan 300
05/23/22 Yule 300
05/20/22 Hilda 300
05/17/22 Holly 300
05/14/22 Wendy 300
05/11/22 Ratchet 300
05/08/22 Holland 300
05/05/22 June 300
05/02/22 Rich 300
04/29/22 Krystal 300
04/26/22 Lucas 300
04/23/22 Amortina 300
04/20/22 Charlie 300
04/17/22 Cookie 300
04/14/22 Marie 300
04/11/22 DJ Retr-0 300
04/08/22 Nora 300
04/05/22 Sofie 300
04/02/22 Niaur 300
03/30/22 Mequa 300
03/27/22 Vaati 300
03/24/22 Steve 300
03/21/22 Jason 300
03/18/22 Svea 300
03/15/22 Wriggley 200
03/12/22 Ferdinand 300
03/09/22 Lewis 300
03/06/22 Magic Mia 300
03/03/22 Harbour 300
02/28/22 Xerxes 300
02/25/22 Basil 300
02/22/22 Sprinkles 300
02/19/22 Adriel 300
02/16/22 Calli 300
02/13/22 Jörgen 300
02/10/22 Keiko 300
02/07/22 Agatha 300
02/04/22 Red Robin 300
02/01/22 Abuela 300
01/29/22 Sundae 300
01/26/22 Lune 300
01/23/22 Logan 300
01/20/22 Iko.N 300
01/17/22 Opal 300
01/14/22 Fortuna 300
01/11/22 Stormcloud 200
01/03/22 Cosette 300


Date Name Cost Gems
12/31/21 Dash 200
12/28/21 Emma 200
12/25/21 Oakenbeard 300
12/22/21 Minerva 300
12/19/21 Olivia 300
12/16/21 Sunset 300
12/13/21 Gordon 200
12/10/21 Bob (Festival) 100
12/4/21 Florinda 200
12/1/21 Chi 300
11/28/21 Jadis 300
11/22/21 Eric 300
11/19/21 Julio 200
11/16/21 Yarngirl 200
11/13/21 Angel (Festival) 200
11/10/21 Eych Tu-o 300
11/7/21 Dio 300
11/4/21 Clarkii 300
11/1/21 Tigerbat 300
10/29/21 Justicecat 300
10/26/21 Peanut 300
10/23/21 Hen 200
10/20/21 Charmer 300
10/17/21 Starsky 300
10/14/21 Shaun 300
10/11/21 Angdra 300
10/08/21 Flower 300
10/05/21 Rudolph 200
10/02/21 Shirley 300
09/29/21 Frosty 200
09/26/21 Eve 200
09/23/21 Lumi 300
09/20/21 Silver 300
09/17/21 Ash 300
09/14/21 Bill 200
09/11/21 Star 300
09/08/21 Harvey 300
09/05/21 Angela 300
09/02/21 Florence 300
08/30/21 Lou 300
08/27/21 Ginger 200
08/24/21 Nolan 300
08/21/21 Venus 300
08/18/21 Renée 300
08/15/21 Berry 300
08/12/21 Sabrina 300
08/09/21 Hop 300
08/06/21 Gale 300
08/03/21 Night Queen 300
07/31/21 Avalanche 300
07/28/21 Snowball 200
07/25/21 Tekah 300
07/22/21 Rose 300
07/19/21 Echo 300
07/16/21 Pete 300
07/13/21 Wetbeard 300
07/10/21 Snappy 200
07/07/21 Cluck Norris 200
07/04/21 Ace 300
07/01/21 Cocoa 300
06/28/21 Lagoon 300
06/25/21 Mrs Paws 300
06/22/21 Tom Snow 200
06/19/21 Rocket 300
06/16/21 Meowstein 200
06/13/21 Yule 300
06/10/21 Hilda 300
06/07/21 Holly 300
06/04/21 Wendy 300
06/01/21 Ratchet 300
05/29/21 Nicholas 300
05/26/21 June 300
05/23/21 Rich 300
05/20/21 Bubbles 200
05/17/21 Lucas 300
05/14/21 Amortina 300
05/11/21 Charlie 300
05/08/21 Cookie 300
05/05/21 Lisa 300
05/02/21 Sandy Claws 300
04/29/21 Marie 300
04/26/21 White Widow 200
04/23/21 Leesi 300
04/20/21 Sofie 300
04/17/21 Gatsby 200
04/14/21 Mequa 300
04/11/21 Vaati 300
04/08/21 Steve 300
04/05/21 Jason 300
04/02/21 Svea 300
03/30/21 Alfie 300
03/27/21 Ferdinand 300
03/24/21 Silver 300
03/21/21 Sandra 200
03/18/21 Magic Mia 300
03/15/21 Harbour 300
03/12/21 Xerxes 300
03/09/21 Basil 300
03/06/21 Sprinkles 300
03/03/21 Adriel 300
02/28/21 Calli 300
02/25/21 Jörgen 300
02/22/21 Keiko 300
02/19/21 Anna 200
02/16/21 Agatha 300
02/13/21 Red Robin 300
02/10/21 Paytone 200
02/07/21 Abuela 300
02/04/21 Sundae 300
02/01/21 Lune 300
01/29/21 Saito 300
01/26/21 Logan 300
01/23/21 Iko.N 300
01/20/21 Bella 200
01/17/21 Kittysticks 200
01/15/21 Bunnyv2.16 300
01/14/21 Pumpyv2.16.1 300
01/12/21 Bella 200
01/09/21 Kittysticks 200
01/06/21 Pumpy 300
01/03/21 Stormcloud 200


Date Name Cost Gems
12/30/20 Surana 300
12/26/20 Amelia 200
12/23/20 Metal Claw 300
12/20/20 Baz 300
12/17/20 Lucy 300
12/13/20 Azel 300
12/10/20 Purrcis 200
12/07/20 Tefiti 300
12/04/20 Phantom 200
12/01/20 Dorothy 300
11/26/20 Gruna Barkle 300
11/23/20 Cosette 300
11/20/20 Dash 200
11/16/20 Emma 200
11/13/20 Oakenbeard 300
11/09/20 Minerva 300
11/06/20 Olivia 300
11/03/20 Redmane 300
10/31/20 Gordon 200
10/27/20 Bob (Festival) 100
10/24/20 Santa Paws 300
10/21/20 Florinda 200
10/18/20 Chi 300
10/15/20 Jadis 300
10/12/20 Boreal 300
10/09/20 Cassandra 300
10/06/20 Julio 200
10/02/20 Yarngirl 200
09/29/20 Angel (Festival) 200
09/25/20 Eych Tu-o 300
09/22/20 Dio 300
09/16/20 Oakenpaw 300
09/13/20 Justicecat 300
09/10/20 Peanut 300
09/07/20 Hen 200
09/04/20 Charmer 300
08/29/20 Cleo 300
08/26/20 Angdra 300
08/23/20 Flower 300
08/19/20 Rudolph 200
08/16/20 Frosty 200
08/13/20 Eve 200
08/09/20 Lumi 300
08/06/20 Silver 300
08/03/20 Boulder 300
07/31/20 Bill 200
07/28/20 Harvey 300
07/24/20 Angela 300
07/21/20 Ginger 200
07/18/20 Nolan 300
07/15/20 Renée 300
07/12/20 Morrigan 300
07/09/20 Sabrina 200
07/04/20 Hop 300
07/01/20 Gale 300
06/28/20 Night Queen 300
06/25/20 Azure 300
06/22/20 Snowball 200
06/18/20 Tekah 300
06/15/20 Rose 300
06/12/20 Pete 300
06/09/20 Wetbeard 300
06/06/20 Snappy 200
06/03/20 Cluck Norris 200
05/29/20 Nyadra 300
05/26/20 Lagoon 300
05/22/20 Mrs Paws 300
05/19/20 Tom Snow 200
05/16/20 Rocket 300
05/13/20 Meowstein 200
05/10/20 Halley 300
05/07/20 Hilda 300
05/04/20 Holly 300
04/30/20 Nicholas 300
04/26/20 Rich 300
04/23/20 Bubbles 200
04/20/20 Amortina 300
04/16/20 Charlie 300
04/13/20 Howard 300
04/10/20 Lisa 300
04/07/20 Sandy Claws 300
04/04/20 Marie 300
03/31/20 White Widow 200
03/26/20 Leesi 300
03/23/20 Sibuna 300
03/20/20 Gatsby 200
03/17/20 Patricia 200
03/14/20 Cat Patrick 200
03/11/20 Jason 300
03/08/20 Luna Sparkle 300
03/05/20 Alfie 300
03/02/20 Ferdinand 300
02/28/20 Curio (Festival) 100
02/25/20 Sandra 200
02/22/20 Kenshin 200
02/18/20 Harbour 300
02/14/20 Murrlin 300
02/11/20 Basil 300
02/07/20 Adriel 300
02/04/20 Calli 300
02/01/20 Jörgen 300
01/29/20 Keiko 300
01/26/20 Anna 200
01/22/20 Agatha 300
01/17/20 Navi 300
01/14/20 Paytone 200
01/10/20 Francine 100
01/07/20 Cleia 100
01/04/20 Knightniss 100


Date Name Cost Gems
12/31/19 Saito 300
12/28/19 Bunny 300
12/25/19 Bella 200
12/22/19 Kittysticks 200
12/19/19 Pumpy 300
12/13/19 Stormcloud 200
12/10/19 Cassandra 300
11/30/19 Phantom 200
11/24/19 Cleia 100
11/21/19 Luna Sparkle 300
11/16/19 Charlie 300
11/11/19 Florinda 200
11/08/19 Metal Claw 300
11/04/19 Ginger 200
11/01/19 Chi 300
10/22/19 Sibuna 300
10/19/19 Nolan 300
10/15/19 Sandra 200
10/05/19 Boulder 300
10/01/19 Emma 200
09/25/19 Bubbles 200
09/20/19 Redmane 300
09/16/19 Rose 300
09/11/19 Curio (Festival) 100
09/05/19 Sandy Claws 300
09/02/19 Oakenpaw 300
08/30/19 Julio 200
08/24/19 Olivia 300
08/19/19 Bob (Festival) 100
08/14/19 Morrigan 300
08/10/19 Harvey 300
08/06/19 Gordon 200
08/01/19 Rocket 300
07/29/19 Meowstein 200
07/23/19 Santa Paws 300
07/18/19 Hen 200
07/12/19 Navi 300
07/09/19 Paytone 200
07/04/19 Charmer 300
06/29/19 Night Queen 300
06/26/19 Rudolph 200
06/22/19 Hop 300
06/17/19 Howard 300
06/11/19 Frosty 200
06/08/19 Lucy 300
06/03/19 Snowball 200
05/30/19 Hilda 300
05/26/19 Eve 200
05/22/19 Halley 300
05/16/19 Pete 300
05/13/19 Kenshin 200
05/08/19 Wetbeard 300
05/02/19 Snappy 200
04/29/19 Mrs Paws 300
04/23/19 Gruna Barkle 300
04/19/19 White Widow 200
04/14/19 Leesi 300
04/10/19 Azure 300
03/30/19 Nicholas 300
03/27/19 Knightniss 100
03/24/19 Patricia 200
03/18/19 Cat Patrick 200
03/15/19 Jadis 300
03/12/19 Bill 200
03/05/19 Amelia 200
02/24/19 Angel (Festival) 200
02/19/19 Eych Tu-o 300
02/14/19 Cluck Norris 200
02/11/19 Saito 300
02/07/19 Cleia 100
02/01/19 Yarngirl 200
01/27/19 Dorothy 300
01/23/19 Purrcis 200
01/18/19 Justicecat 300
01/12/19 Anna 200


Date Name Cost Gems
12/31/18 Dash 200
12/28/18 Baz 300
12/24/18 Gatsby 200
12/15/18 Kittysticks 200
12/12/18 Francine 100
12/09/18 Stormcloud 200
12/01/18 Phantom 200
11/25/18 Pete 300
11/19/18 Cat Patrick 200
11/14/18 Florinda 200
11/10/18 Metal Claw 300
11/05/18 Ginger 200
11/02/18 Chi 300
10/24/18 Nolan 300
10/20/18 Sandra 200
10/08/18 Emma 200
09/27/18 Frosty 200
09/20/18 Curio (Festival) 100
09/14/18 Sandy Claws 300
09/10/18 Julio 200
09/06/18 Bob (Festival) 100
08/31/18 Gordon 200
08/25/18 Rocket 300
08/21/18 Meowstein 200
08/15/18 Santa Paws 300
08/09/18 Paytone 200
08/05/18 Charmer 300
07/30/18 Patricia 200
07/25/18 Night Queen 300
07/20/18 Rudolph 200
07/14/18 Hop 300
07/11/18 Snowball 200
07/06/18 Eve 200
07/01/18 Evev2.0 200
06/30/18 Pumpyv2.0.1 300
06/25/18 Kenshinv2.0.1 200
06/25/18 Pumpyv2.0 300
06/21/18 Wetbeardv2.0.1 300
06/20/18 Kenshinv2.0 200
06/18/18 Tom Snowv2.0.1 200
06/16/18 Wetbeardv2.0 300
06/15/18 Gruna Barklev2.0.1 300
06/13/18 Tom Snow 200
06/09/18 Gruna Barkle 300
06/06/18 Hen 200
06/03/18 Nicholas 300
05/28/18 Knightniss 100
05/24/18 Jadis 300
05/21/18 Bill 200
05/16/18 Oakenbeard 300
05/13/18 Amelia 200
05/09/18 Amortina 300
05/06/18 Angel 200
05/01/18 Eych Tu-o 300
04/28/18 Cleia 100
04/24/18 Anna 200
04/21/18 Purrcis 200
04/18/18 Leesi 300
04/12/18 Gatsby 200
04/09/18 Lisa 300
04/06/18 Kittysticks 200
04/02/18 Francine 100
03/28/18 Alfie 300
03/24/18 Phantom 200
03/21/18 Pete 300
03/17/18 Cat Patrick 200
03/14/18 Rocket 300
03/11/18 Ginger 200
03/05/18 Sabrina 200
03/01/18 Sandra 200
02/26/18 Jörgen 300
02/21/18 Emma 200
02/18/18 Silver 300
02/14/18 Frosty 200
02/11/18 Rose 300
02/08/18 Curio (Festival) 100
02/02/18 Sandy Claws 300
01/30/18 Bob (Festival) 100
01/27/18 Meowstein 200
01/23/18 Santa Paws 300
01/18/18 Paytone 200
01/14/18 Night Queen 300
01/11/18 Cat Patrick 200
01/07/18 Kittysticks 200
01/04/18 Wetbeard 300
01/01/18 Angel (Festival) 200


Date Name Cost Gems
12/26/17 Anna 200
12/23/17 Cleia 100
12/20/17 Pumpy 300
12/16/17 Francine 100
12/11/17 Bill 200
12/08/17 Kenshin 200
12/04/17 Gruna Barkle 300
12/01/17 Phantom 200
11/28/17 Santa Paws[1] 300
11/24/17 Purrcis 200
11/20/17 Rudolph 200
11/17/17 Amortina 300
11/11/17 Knightniss 100
11/08/17 Hen 200
11/04/17 Amelia 200


  • Shen and the Celebrity Heroes from the Charity events are the only cats of the relevant types who do not appear as Timewalkers.
    • Of Shen, the developaws have said they want to "exclude him from the timewalker-system a little bit longer, keeping him exclusive to those who purchased him."[2]
    • The celebrity heroes have only ever been available as real-money purchases as their likenesses are owned by others from whom they have been licensed for use in the game.
  • Timewalkers, who are surrounded by a yellow-gold aura while in the guild hall, disappear once purchased, so they can only be purchased once per visit.
  • If unpurchased at the end of its 24-hour visit, the Timewalker will disappear at that point. However, if the purchase window is open at that time it will stay open, although it is unclear what would happen if a purchase was attempted in that case.
  • When originally introduced, Timewalkers did not wander around the guild hall but were rather offered only at startup; the game had to be relaunched in order to see the offer again.
  • Originally there was no confirmation window after first tapping on the purchase button, so if you accidentally tapped on that button, your gems were toast!
  • When the guild hall is loading, the placeholder for the countdown under the Timewalker is "NEW!".
  • When Angel (Festival) first appeared as a Timewalker in January, 2018, many players were confused as she had the same name as Angel the Rare Box cat (and is in fact the same cat in a different costume).
  • On June 25, 2018, some players saw Pumpy as the Timewalker and others Kenshin. This was due to a coding difference in the Timewalker system between version 2.0 and version 2.0.1. Players who did not (or, in the case of iOS users, could not) upgrade their game to 2.0.1 observed Pumpy as the Timewalker on that day.
  • On January 22, 2020, Agatha became the first Merge Alchemy cat to be a Timewalker.


  1. Castle Cats Facebook post stating that Santa Paws was not intended to be a Timewalker, November 27, 2017.
  2. Castle Cats Facebook post about Shen, in comments, Feb 5, 2019
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