Castle Cats Wiki
Copyright Notice: Much of the content below was captured or copied verbatim from Castle Cats and is therefore copyrighted by PocApp Studios AB.

Attack skills are special offensive moves heroes perform during battles at the player's initiative or when commanded to do so by a cat with the Warlord trait. They cause significantly more damage to the enemy than regular attacks do. Every hero has a particular Attack Skill usually related to the weapon it carries or its design theme. This includes the guild leader, whose special attack—which is executed automatically—varies according to its currently equipped weapon. While a few heroes have unique attacks, most attacks cluster into groups that have a range of variations within them. Note that the names for Attack Skills used on this page are arbitrary and descriptive as they do not carry official names in the game.

Using Attack Skills[]

To execute an Attack Skill, enter an ongoing quest. Wait for the cat's portrait at the bottom of the screen to flash and become surrounded by a golden border. Then tap the cat's portrait and they will launch an animated attack causing significant damage to the enemy. Damage amounts are indicated in red numbers that appear over the enemy position.

The recharge timer for a cat's Attack Skill can be shortened by tapping on the image of the enemy creature when your energy is not empty, and is lengthened when the enemy attacks the cat.

There are two subsets of Attack Skills: one does a singular amount of damage, and the other, Damage Over Time (DOT) attacks, does multiple (lesser) amounts of damage. The latter are generally more useful since excess damage from a singular attack isn't carried over to a new round when the enemy is defeated; but with DOT attacks, if the first hits defeat the current enemy, subsequent hits will be applied to the new opponent in the next round.

Regular Attacks[]

Ball of Yarn[]

Cats with ball of yarn Attack Skills include:

Bouncy Bombs[]

Cats with bouncy bomb Attack Skills include:

Coin Attacks[]

Cats with coin Attack Skills include:


Cats with explosives Attack Skills include:

Fire Attacks[]


Cats with fireball Attack Skills include:

Looping Electric Fireball[]


Cats with the looping fireball Attack Skill include:

Spiraling Fire Blade[]

Cats with the fire blade Attack Skill include:

Fungo Orb[]


Cats with the fungo orb Attack Skill include:

Lightning Beam[]

Cats with lightning beam Attack Skill include:

Lightning Strike (Single)[]

Cats with lightning strike Attack Skills include:

Liquid Attacks[]


Cats with bubbles Attack Skills include:


Cats with geyser Attack Skills include:


Cats with splash Attack Skills include:

Musical Attacks[]

Cats with musical Attack Skills include:

Plasma Beam[]

Cats with plasma beam Attack Skills include:


Cats with bomb Attack Skills include: *These animations trigger from the wrong location, at the back end of the cat rather than its front paws.


Cats with projection Attack Skills include:

Pulse Attacks[]

Electric Pulse[]

Cats with electric pulse Attack Skills include:

Rose Pulse[]

Other Pulse Attacks[]

Cats with other pulse Attack Skills include:

Snowball Attacks[]

Cats with snowball Attack Skills include: *This animation trigger from the wrong location, at the back end of the cat rather than its front paws.

Stealth Shrub[]

Cats with stealth shrub Attack Skills include:

Three-Pronged Attack[]

Cats with three-pronged Attack Skills include:


Cats with vegetation Attack Skills include:

Damage Over Time Attacks[]


Cats with archery Attack Skills include:

Bat Colony[]

Cats with bat colony Attack Skills include:

Bee Swarm[]


Cats with the bee swarm Attack Skill include:

Electric Pulse (Large)[]


Cats with the large electric pulse Attack Skill include:

Falling Objects[]

Cats with falling object Attack Skills include:

Fireball & Fireworks[]


Cats with the fireball & fireworks Attack Skill include:

Lightning Strikes (Multiple)[]

Cats with multiple lightning strike Attack Skills include:

Pillar of Fire[]

Cats with pillar of fire Attack Skills include:



Cats with the rainstorm Attack Skill include:

Smoke Rings[]

Cats with smoke ring Attack Skills include:

Spinning Orb[]


Cats with the spinning orb Attack Skill include:

Streaming Objects[]

Cats with streaming object Attack Skills include:

Triple Swish[]

Cats with triple swish Attack Skills include:

Unknown Attack Skills[]

  • Recent Cats: N/A
  • Charity Outfits: Conan, Catniss, Francis, Leonard

Missing Attack Skills GIFs[]

Note: Attacks marked with an asterisk are unique and thus needed for posting on this page.

  • Alice (Charity), Atchoum*, Eric (Celebrity), Finnegan, Franklyn, Loka, Nala, Ollie, Oreo, Pancake, Petunia, Spike, Thena* (replacement needed)
  • Monthly Outfits: Edward*
  • Summer Outfits: N/A
  • Halloween Outfits: N/A
  • Purrismas Outfits: N/A
  • Valentine Outfits: N/A
  • Spring Festival Outfits: Cupcake
  • Call of Heroes Outfits: N/A
  • Anniversary Outfits: N/A
  • Charity Outfits: Conan, Catniss, Francis, Leonard

Legacy Attack Animations[]

Over the course of Halloween 2019 and Purrismas 2019 new animations were rolled out. Here are some of the old animations used before:

Guild Leader Attack Skills[]

Since version 1.6.5, the Guild Leader can enter the quests.
They used to do a seemingly random attack that the player couldn't control.
As of version 2.8.4 the Guild Leader's attack is stronger, happens more frequently, and its animation depends on the weapon wielded. Legacy animation:
Special attack guild leader


  • The first DOT cat was Holly, after which in subsequent patches the effect was added to other animations as well.
Settings Icon Game Mechanics

Heroes: Hero BookAlchemy CatsCelebrity HeroesTimewalkers
Customizations: Avatar CustomizationHero OutfitsPlushies
Quests: QuestsMain Story QuestRegular QuestsBattle QuestsReputation QuestsAttack Skills
Activities: AlchemyChallengesDaily EventsDaily RewardsEventsMini-gamesMissions
Upgrades & Acquisitions: GuildFortressShopExclusive ShopStory BookVIP
Utility: MarketMaterialsSkillsTraitsTutorial
Media: ConnectionsMerchandiseNewsOriginal Soundtrack
